Fore warned is fore armed



I met some wonderful international FIFO workers last week on the Crystal Symphony. She was docked in the port of Melbourne.

Today’s report in The Western Australian and on ABC National’s Bush Telegraph give us very little new news about FIFO and its impact on the family but, it does serve to keep the conversation about the impact of FIFO on the family in our minds.

Once again Nicole Ashby from FIFO Families had something interesting and important to say. She called for a longitudinal study that tracks and follows FIFO families across time. Let’s hope this happens soon.

I encourage you to read today’s article and the report issued by the Australian Institute of Family Studies. If this does not suit why not listen to the Bush telegraph discussion?

The Western Australian

The Australian Institute of Family Studies link to the report

ABC Radio National Bush Telegraph (programs are about 24 hours behind on the net)

2 thoughts on “Fore warned is fore armed

  1. Michelle Stevenson

    I’m still not convinced that FIFO s have it that bad, I think a strong partnership is the key. Maybe a lot of these partnerships wouldn’t survive a 9-5 relationship. Yes I know partners away must miss their families and vice versa, but is that a bad thing? Maybe the FIFO s and their families can appreciate what they have more the us 9-5ers. Life is full of adjustments, like it or not. I hope I haven’t offended anyone. My father was a FIFO , my memories are not of him being away but the wonderful memories of him coming home.

  2. fifopregnancystudy

    Thanks Linette for the update. I did see article in The West at coffee shop this morning. Here at UWA the FIFO Pregnancy Study is due for Ethics Approval soon. It is a longitudinal study starting mid 2014. Stay in touch to hear real life FIFO women’s stories from pregnancy baby bump stage onwards !

    Kind regards Lori Jacobs Coordinator FIFO Pregnancy Study

    Sent from my iPhone



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